Full Image Package

  • Discovering the look to would like to aspire to
  • Finding the best shades for you
  • Discover your best makeup shades
  • Which colours work best for you
  • Wearing your colours
  • Discover scale balance and proportions
  • What fabrics, and shapes suit you best
  • Before and After
  • Before and After

Option 1

Premier Colour Analysis and Advanced Style 

By combining your Colour Analysis and Style sessions together for a full image consultation, you will get all the advice you need to truly start your transformation.  

Covering all you need to know about colour, style and make-up  to help you understand what suits you from top-to-toe, with the added benefit that I help you go shopping in your own wardrobe.

You will leave the consultation with all the knowledge and confidence to create your own personal style, shop wisely and start building a wardrobe you can really enjoy, every day.

What's Included?

Day 1    Premier Colour Analysis (2 hours)

-A full Colour Analysis including your personal 42 colour fabric swatch wallet to take away.

-Make-up lesson with Colour me Beautiful make-up and a recipe containing the most flattering shades for you.

Day 2    Advanced Style Consultation (2.5 Hour)

-Style Personality Analysis to ensure that the style advice given reflects your unique personality.

-Identification of your body shape to ensure you can be advised on all the necessary tips to dress and feel great no matter what the occasion.

-Scale and balance

-How to use accessories to reflect the real you and change the look of your outfit

-A personalised style workbook to ensure you can review all the information after your session at your leisure.



Option 2

Colour Analysis and Introduction to Style

If you find it difficult to travel on two separate days and would like to consolidate what you need to know into 1 day this could be the answer for you 

-A Colour Analysis including your personal 48 colour fabric swatch wallet to take away.

-Discover your best li[stick shade and a  recipe for makeup shades 

-Style profile, which includes a 12 page Style Profile booklet.  We will discover your style personality, discuss general information regarding face shapes, body lines, scale and balance and fabrics with key style tips 

Duration 4 hours
